

  • a
    • Active Ingredient
      This is a substance or group of molecules which, grouped with a food  or ingredient,...
    • Allergen
      This is a substance that causes several reactions in the human immune system, offering...
    • Allergy
      Unusual reaction of the organism to a  food or substance.
    • Amino Acids
      This is what proteins mostly comprise. Many combinations of amino acids give proteins different...
    • Anti-Doping
      This means that the product in question does not contain drugs or medicines that can improve...
  • b
    • BCAA
      As the main agent in muscle formation and development, BCAAs are ramified  amino acids...
    • Blog
      Refers to a website where you find articles on the same theme
    • Blood Sugar
      Blood sugar is a value that represents the quantity of glucose circulating in the blood. It...
    • Body Mass Index
      Abbreviated to BMI, this calculation enables us to situate an individual in relation to their...
    • Bodybuilding
      A sport for developing muscles.  Body-building is practised in different ways: with guided...
  • c
    • Calorie
      A calorie can be defined in two ways. It refers both to an energy measurement unit and the...
    • Carbohydrate
      Carbohydrates, also known as sources of glucose or more simply sugars. They represent the main...
    • Carbohydrate foods
      Carbohydrate foods are foods of plant origin containing mostly starch and complex...
    • Cholesterol
      Cholesterol is defined as a lipid, a fat from food which circulates in our blood. It has...
    • Collation
      Terme désignant un repas léger, pris en général en dehors des 3 repas principaux. 
    • Crossfit
      This is a mix between endurance sport,  body-building  and gymnastics. It’s a very...
  • d
    • Deficiency
      A deficiency can be defined by a lack in the intake of a nutrient  that’s essential to...
    • Diabetes
      Diabetes is a disease due to a lack of insulin production or the improper use of it. There are...
    • Dietary Fibre
      These are nutrients that the human body cannot digest. What fibres provide in terms of energy...
    • Dietetics
      Dietetics can be defined as the ‘science of a balanced diet’. 
  • e
    • Enzyme
      An enzyme is described as a protein capable of activating biochemical reactions in our body....
  • f
    • Fatty Acids
      There are several types of fatty acids: saturated, mono-unsaturated and poly-unsaturated fatty...
    • Fitness
      This term refers to physical exercise in an aim to improve your physical condition. In France,...
    • Food
      A food comprises nutrients of animal or plant origin. Its main aim is to meet energy or...
    • Food Safety
      All the companies in the food sector, both producers and merchants, must observe the European...
    • Food Supplement
      A food supplement is a food that supplements our daily diet to meet specific needs for...
  • g
    • Gluten
      Comprising several proteins with starch and endosperm. Gluten can be found in most cereals and...
    • Glycaemic Index
      Each carbohydrate  has a lower or higher sweetening power. This means that the blood...
  • h
    • Healthy
      Mot anglais ayant pour signification “sain”.
    • High Blood Pressure
      This abnormal pressure in our arteries. Blood pressure is defined by the blood’s pressure on...
    • Hydrolysed Whey
      Hydrolysed whey is a whey that can be assimilated much more rapidly than others. The...
    • Hyper-protein Bar
      A Hyper-protein bar is a snack with protein content that is higher than the common content...
  • i
    • Isotonic Drink
      Otherwise known as a sports drink, an isotonic drink is a drink whose  osmotic pressure...
  • l
    • Lactose
      An element that’s present in mammals’ milk, lactose is a  carbohydrate  that often causes...
    • Lipid
      Lipids or fats, these nutrients are present in almost all the foods that we eat. There are 4...
  • m
    • Macronutrient
      This is a term grouping together carbohydrates, proteins and lipids. To summarise, this...
    • Metabolism
      By definition, the metabolism represents the biochemical transformations as a whole which take...
    • Micronutrient
      Micronutrients are vitamins, minerals and oligo-elements. The intake of these nutrients...
    • Minerals
      Calcium, magnesium, sodium or phosphorus are examples of very well-known minerals. They’re...
  • n
    • Native Whey
      Native Whey is a protein from milk. The term ‘native’ comes from the fact that only milk used...
    • Nutrient
      Nutrients are components of each food, represented in each product’s nutritional table. It’s...
  • o
    • Obesity
      Obesity is referred to as a disease by the medical profession. The symptoms are as follows:...
    • Oligo-element
      An oligo-element can be defined as a mineral salt that’s essential to the proper functioning of...
    • Osmotic Pressure
      This is a phenomenon that involves 2 different pressures for liquids with different...
    • Osteoporosis
      Osteoporosis: Osteo meaning bones and porosis meaning the appearance of many pores....
  • p
    • Pack
      A pack is a set of products that enables you to discover our range at a discount price.
    • Packaging
      This is the packaging of a consumer product (food or not). It has compulsory working and...
    • Pan-cake
      Le pan-cake est une crêpe très épaisse qui est beaucoup consommée en Amérique du nord. Cette...
    • Protein
      Nutrient  that plays a vital role in cell renewal, growth and the construction of the...
  • r
    • Raw Material
      A raw material is a raw, often natural product that’s used in an aim to produce and make new...
    • Recommended Daily Allowance (RDA)
      A recommended daily allowance is a term relating to nutrition. Not taking into account age,...
    • Recuperation
      This is a process that enables sportspeople to regain all their physical capacities....
  • s
    • Sarcopenia
      As symptoms of ageing, sarcopenia is a syndrome that is characterised by a progressive...
    • Shaker
      A term that refers to a utensil that enables you easily mix several liquid ingredients with one...
    • Smoothie
      A smoothie is a drink mixed from fruit, vegetables, milk or even chocolate. 
    • Snack
      Mot anglophone avec pour signification direct “casse-croûte”. Désigne donc un encas rapide à...
    • Standard
      A standard is a technical specification of a product   –   a manufacturing process that...
    • Starch
      This is a substance that is part of the sugar or carbohydrate family. More specifically, it’s a...
    • Superfood
      Superfoods are natural foods that provide nutritional intake outside the norm.  
    • Support
      Supporting you in practising your favourite sport is our primary goal. Avantage Protéine offers...
  • v
    • Vitamin
      Vitamins are organic substances that our body does not produce, or does not produce enough of...
  • w
    • Water
      An essential element for life, water intake must never be neglected. Water is a very good...
    • Whey
      Term referring to protein from milk. This protein of animal origin is very comprehensive and...
    • WPC
      As the abbreviation for Whey Protein Concentrate, this term refers to the  protein  from...
    • WPI
      The abbreviation of Whey Protein Isolate, this is a  WPC  with one or more additional...

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