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They are entirely owned by FORME & NUTRITION or its partners. Any reproduction, representation, use or adaptation, in any form whatsoever, of all or part of these elements, including computer applications, without its prior written consent, is strictly prohibited. Should FORME & NUTRITION not take action when it becomes aware of this unauthorised use, this does not mean that it accepts this use and waives its right to take action.
For the website’s proper operation, FORME & NUTRITION may at any time:
—suspend, interrupt or limit access to all or part of the website or reserve access to the website or to certain parts of the website for a specific category of web users;
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—suspend the website to perform updates.
It is specified that FORME & NUTRITION will endeavour, to the best of its ability, to ensure the accuracy and updating of the information published on this website, the content of which it reserves the right to correct at any time, without notice. However, it cannot guarantee the accuracy, precision or exhaustivity of the information provided on this website.
FORME & NUTRITION cannot be held liable in the event of a failure, breakdown, difficulty or interruption of operation that prevents access to the website or one of its features.
The user’s equipment for visiting the website is under their entire responsibility. The user must take all the appropriate measures to protect its equipment and its own data against virus attacks over the Internet, in particular. The user is also solely responsible for the websites and data they consult.
FORME & NUTRITION cannot be held liable in the event of legal action against the user:
—due to use of the website or any service accessible via the Internet;
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FORME & NUTRITION is not liable for any damage caused to the user, to third parties and/or the user’s equipment due to their visiting or using the website. The user waives the right to take any action against FORME & NUTRITION on these grounds.
If FORME & NUTRITION is the subject of amicable or legal proceedings due to the use of the website, it can pursue the user to obtain compensation for all damages, sums, convictions and costs that may result from these proceedings.
The user is strictly prohibited from placing any hypertext links to all or part of the website, unless they have obtained prior written consent from FORME & NUTRITION, requested by email at the following address: info [@] avantageproteine.com.
FORME & NUTRITION is free to refuse this consent without having to provide any reasons for its decision. Should FORME & NUTRITION grant its consent, this is temporary under all circumstances and may be withdrawn at any time, without the need to provide a reason.
Under all circumstances, any link must be withdrawn at FORME & NUTRITION’s request.
Any information accessible via a link to other websites is not under FORME & NUTRITION’s control, and it declines any liability as to their content.
The product photographs accompanying their description are not contractual and are not binding to FORME & NUTRITION.
Theses website terms and conditions of use are governed by French Law and subject to the jurisdiction of the courts of Nice, subject to the assignment of specific jurisdiction resulting from a specific legislative or regulatory text.
For any questions or information about the products presented on the website, or concerning the website itself, you can leave a message at the following address: info [@] avantageproteine.com.