
Tips and tricks to eat better

Tips and tricks to eat better

Sometimes it is difficult to convince yourself to change your whole diet and that’s completely normal! To begin gently, here are a few ideas of foods that you can replace today to get your meals within your goals:

Fizzy drinks VS Water
Fizzy drinks have a high calorie content and bad effects on your health. So replace them now! Who needs all this sugar and these additives? Replace them with water. If you drink it regularly, all day long, it enables you to hydrate and eliminate the toxins in your organism and it provides you with minerals. If you want to juice it up, a very good alternative is infused water!
Crisps vs Nuts
Crisps are tasty, but if you have a choice, it’s better to choose oil seeds/nuts (Be careful with allergies!) We recommend you eat a handful a day. Rich in fatty acids, full of proteins and good for the heart and brain.
Alcoholic drink vs Non-alcoholic drink
Doing without alcohol, or in any case, drinking in moderation, has real benefits: better sleep, weight loss, increased concentration, lower blood sugar, glowing skin, etc. Don’t forget that alcohol acts like a psychoactive. Alcoholic drinks can be replaced by tea, coffee, fruit juice, vegetable juice, a smoothie, water, etc.
Cereals and refined flours vs Cereals and wholemeal flours
Traditional pasta, white bread, white rice... Lots of vitamins, fibre and minerals are lost during the refining process. Avoid refined products by replacing them with food that has a low glycaemic index (55 or less), such as wholemeal foods (rice, pasta, etc.), ‘premium’ flour or foods such as sweet potato, for example. Food with a low glycaemic index will cause a lower rise in blood glucose and limit the secretion of insulin with it. As insulin facilitates the storage and therefore the production of adipose tissue (fat), you will strongly benefit from choosing these foods.
Fresh cream VS Greek yoghurt
In a few words, fresh cream is: Deliciously fatty! In a few words, Greek yoghurt is: A neutral flavour, full of probiotics and protein and low in calories. So why not?
Sweets VS Fruits
Why not choose fruit instead? Even if fruit is rich is sugar, it helps provide vitamins, minerals and fibre. All the fruits have specific characteristics, and it would be a shame to deprive yourself entirely. In general, you can eat 2 to 3 fruits a day without a negative impact when losing weight.
Cold Meats
You can eat these occasionally and in moderation. Even if cold meats provide protein, these foods have a very high salt content and are generally very rich in saturated and unsaturated fatty acids. Choose artisanal cold meats, with no additives.
Home-made sauces
Our meals are much less appealing without sauces. But we have a secret for you: it’s not that difficult to make a home-made sauce! It may take a few minutes but at least you know what you’ve put in it. You can replace them with a small portion of crushed avocado, home-made guacamole, a home-made vinaigrette dressing, home-made houmous or a sauce made from plain yoghurt, lemon and herbs.

Thanks to all this advice, you can now treat yourself without any frustration!

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