
Why Stretch?


There are many misconceptions about stretching, and it’s often a subject of debate in the sports community.  

Did you know?

Stretching enables you to maintain and improve muscle elasticity. Having more elastic muscle fibre enables you to limit the risk of muscle injury in the long term and can give you a better range of movement.

Unlike the common misconception, stretching after exercise will not reduce muscle soreness. On the contrary, it can even increase it: stretching will micro-damage the fibres that have already been damaged during the exercise.

That being said, you can do a stretching session beforehand, during, afterwards or on a day of rest. It all depends on the intensity and the aim of this stretching session.

Massage will have an effect on lymphatic drainage and will reduce potential aching and stiffness the next day.

Stretching is linked to mobility but the two should not be confused ... but that’ll be the topic of another post!

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